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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Word problem review today!

Great job on the word problems today in class!  As I mentioned, you should use that worksheet to help you prepare for the test.  The word problems on the test will be similar to the ones that you saw today.

As you worked on the study guide, I noticed that some people were having some difficulty with estimation.  To help, please review below and/or visit my original post on estimation.

Adding and Subtracting:  Estimate by round each number to the highest COMMON place value.  Basically round both numbers to the biggest place value that they BOTH have.

ex:  17.92 + 182.034
since both numbers have a digit in the tens place (underlined), we would round to the tens.

20 + 180 = 200

Multiplying:  Estimate by rounding EACH number to its OWN highest place value.  Basically, use as many zeros as possible!

ex:  5.67 x 41.08376
round the first number to the ones place and the second number to the tens place

6 x 40 = 240

Dividing:  Estimate by using compatible numbers.  Round the divisor first and then search for a compatible number for the dividend.

ex:  41.03 / 7.15
round the 7.15 to 7 and then think about multiples of 7.  Since 42 is a multiple of 7 and is reasonably close to 41.03, we round it to 42.

42 / 7 = 6

I'd also encourage you to practice rounding decimal values.  Check out this game to practice.  Or this one!

I'll put more on the blog tomorrow, but spend some time with these topics tonight.

Tonight's homework is to review for the test.  The study guide (click link to view and print a Google doc of the study guide) is due Thursday.  I will also provide you with an optional, additional study guide on Thursday which you can complete and check answers online.

Thanks for your hard work today!  Keep it up and study hard!

-Miss K  :)

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